The Simplicity of Abundance

The Simplicity of Abundance

“Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into”Wayne Dyer This year is a new start for me. I had quite a life changing year last year, and in many ways, I felt that this New Year was a brand new start of creating a whole new me! I...


This time of year it seems like there are a million Facebook posts and TV commercials reminding us that we need to be grateful. I can’t keep up. I wanted to post every day about all the things I am thankful for but it’s just not working out. Probably...


Oh. My. Goodness. I was at the store today trying to buy a pair of pants, (which in itself is no fun at all), and the sales person was driving me crazy!! She was Over-The-Top-Sicky-Sweet. Do you know what I am talking about? She was smiling really big, pretending she...


I have been wanting to write for a long time. I create blog posts in my head when I am driving, in the shower, sitting and playing Candy Crush. But I had been distracted by the everyday hustle of life and have not taken the time to start. Today is the day. I have been...