Writing always makes me question myself. I am not sure where to start, or how to eloquently say all of the seemingly important things running around in my head. A conversation I had at lunch a few years ago when I was going to start writing my book, made those questioning voices in my head even louder.

“This isn’t you. I mean, you can do whatever you want, but this essential oil thing really doesn’t seem like you.”

My friend Jeanette was right. She has been one of my best friends for over 20 years, she knows me better than most people in the world, and she was right.

This was not me. This was not who I was, or at least who I had been. I mean, I am a Doctor for goodness sake. I am smart… really smart. I am successful. I have a strong reputation. I am skeptical. I need proof. I had a thriving practice, great friends, and a supportive family. What was I thinking? I was thinking, “I am not the kind of person who does classes on essential oils, and I sure don’t spend time writing a book about them. I am on a career path that many people envious. I don’t jump on bandwagons.”

I am a researcher. It takes a long time for me to believe in new ideas, and even then more reluctantly. This was not me…or at least it hadn’t been to that point

The first time I allowed myself to entertain the idea that essential oils might benefit mental health, was when I was working in a hospital emergency room. I evaluated patients in order to determine if they should be admitted to the hospital for mental health issues. One night I was in a patient’s room with a Psychiatrist on staff. The patient was refusing to take medications. The side effects had been horrible in the past so she was not willing to fill any prescription. The doctor started talking to her and her family about essential oils. He said they would work very effectively over time if she would be consistent in using them. Then he wrote her a prescription for essential oils. I had no idea at that point what essential oils could do, not even a clue. I didn’t know how or why they worked. But this physician who was able to prescribe pharmaceuticals had just written a prescription for an essential oil. I took notice.

I got my Young Living Premium Starter Kit at a class my friend from church held at her house. I had just opened a new counseling center that was promoting a holistic approach to mental health. But my definition of holistic only included anything that had a lot of research behind it. The “woo-woo” didn’t fit into my version of holistic. We had yoga, massage, hypnotherapy, and great mental health therapists. I got the essential oils to make the office smell nice, more of a spa-like environment. I still didn’t see them as therapeutic, or understand that these oils could be a potential resource for helping the overall wellness of our clients.

One day I came across some research completely by accident. I started to pay attention. These smart, well educated people were using essential oils to help with things like emotional regulation, supporting sleep rhythms, and making it possible for people to tolerate distress in effective ways. Along with many other physical issues, essential oils were making an impact on mental health. I was finding myself quite intrigued.

A friend of mine was given a book written by someone who was using essential oils in counseling. She gave it to me and I read it. I actually wasn’t sure I was going to like the book. But as I read through it my interest got peeked. The author, a Psychologist, described significant breakthroughs that he had seen with his patients. These essential oils were supporting the healing process of people with profound trauma.

I began talking about what I was reading with the team of therapists at my counseling center. They each began doing their own research and we all began using specific essential oils in our counseling sessions. Almost immediately we started to see a change. People started asking how to get these oils. They started coming to the classes we were giving on how to use essential oils for emotional regulation. Soon my center became a vendor for Young Living Essential Oils. People were feeling better. They noticed a difference when they were in the office while the oils were being diffused. They were having breakthroughs in counseling that both the client and the counselor were attributing to the use of oils. I became a believer.

My husband and I began using oils more and more in our own lives. We saw a difference in our health, our sleep, and our mood. I realized that my life, both personally and professionally, had been changed by the use of these natural products. Of course it was.

God has given us all we need to move toward physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

At this point in my life, I am confident that this is where I am supposed to be.

I love that my career has moved from being a therapist, focusing on pain… to being a coach, incorporating essential oils, and focusing on healing (that’s a whole other story for another day). I know this information can be life changing. I have seen it.

I have gone to school for a long time. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, a Master’s Degree in Counseling, and a PhD in Counseling Education. I have a lot of information that would be helpful to people who are struggling with emotional unrest. But THIS is the first thing I wanted to write a book about. Essential Oils can help. They help people move toward wellness in a way that makes it easier to speed up the process. Essential oils are natural, made by God to help your mind, body, and soul heal. This is worth my time.