
Know Your Story

Know Your Story

"Once Upon a Time" Last year I started reading Cinderella to my sweet 2 year old granddaughter and as soon as I said those words... "Once Upon a Time"... she said, “they live happy after” (which of course means “and they lived happily ever after!”. I love that. She...

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The Simplicity of Abundance

The Simplicity of Abundance

“The opposite of scarcity isn’t ‘Abundance’, it is ‘Enough'”. I like that. But for me, this year, I needed the word Abundance. I needed to remember that I have “More Than Enough”.

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Did you know that Gratitude and Thankfulness are not the same thing? Thankfulness is a feeling. We feel thankful. Gratitude is the movement of thankfulness into action. It is a noun. The expression of your emotions and thoughts of gratefulness.

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Oh. My. Goodness. I was at the store today trying to buy a pair of pants, (which in itself is no fun at all), and the sales person was driving me crazy!! She was Over-The-Top-Sicky-Sweet. Do you know what I am talking about? She was smiling really big, pretending she...

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I have been wanting to write for a long time. I create blog posts in my head when I am driving, in the shower, sitting and playing Candy Crush. But I had been distracted by the everyday hustle of life and have not taken the time to start. Today is the day. I have been...

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Essentially Better
Essential Oils for People with Feelings

By Dr. Wendy Bruton

If you are looking for a book to help you use essential oils for emotional regulation and healing, this is the book for you! It is a down to earth, practical guide that helps strengthen self-care and emotional wellness using Young Living Essential Oils. Check it out!

I Used to Be a Therapist

Go check out my podcast, "I used to be a therapist"... Each week I share life, stories, interviews, and information that I know will be of value to you, and to the people you touch.

I hope this is a place where you feel valued, valuable, and learn to move forward from what you used to be.